==  V  I  X  X  E  N    2  0  ==

~github repo

Known Issues
~ no idea how well this runs on slower machines
~ audio emulation is not close to perfect (issue #19)

~ Meta Key is Ctrl for Windows/Linux and Option/Alt on OSX
~ Keys marked with * are not yet implementd

Global Keys

Tab               - next input
Shift Tab         - widdershins input
Meta Tab          - toggle PAL/NTSC
Meta CapsLock     - toggle petscii blocks
Meta Shift \      - reboot vixxen
Meta Shift [      - decrease audio buffer
Meta Shift ]      - increase audio buffer

Grid Input Keys

Arrow Keys        - navigation
Meta Down         - decrease value
Meta Up           - increase value
Meta Left         - decrease value by 16
Meta Right        - increase value by 16
Page Up           - move cursor 4 up
Page Down         - move cursor 4 down
Home              - move cursor to the top
End               - move cursor to the bottom
Backspace         - move cell value up one cell
. or Delete       - empty cell, move cursor down
Insert            - insert empty cell
Shift Backspace   - move cell values up one cell across row
Shift Delete      - empty cells across row, move cursor down
Shift Insert      - insert empty cells across row

Shift Arrow Keys  - mark selection
Meta A				- select whole column
Meta A (x2)       - select whole visible grid
Meta C            - copy selection (or cursor) to clipboard
Meta D            - deselect
Meta V            - paste clipboard into grid
Meta X            - cut selection (or cursor) into clipboard

Hex Value Inputs

Keys   ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 q w e r t y
Value  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

BABY-K Global Keys

Meta Shift D      - load Demo groove
Meta E            - export VIC 20 Executible binary
Meta Shift E      - Export song data in binary
Meta F            - new Fresh song
Meta O            - show a secret message Oh!
Meta R            - Revert song to last browser save
Meta S            - save song to browser localStorage
Meta Shift S      - force donload of Song data
*F5               - play song from begining
*F6               - loop pattern
*F7               - play song from position
*F8               - stop
Space             - toggle play/pause
\                 - toggle root octave
/                 - set root octave to 0
*                 - set root octave to 1
'                 - change input tuning
, or Scroll Lock  - follow mode toggle
Meta Shift Down   - next row of song
Meta Shift Up     - previous row of song
Meta Shift Right  - skip 4 rows ahead in song
Meta Shift Left   - skip 4 rows behind in song
Meta Shift Home   - beginning of song
Meta Shift End    - end of song space

Song Editor Keys

*Meta R            - replicate (clone) pattern(s)

Pattern + Song Editor Keys

-                 - decrease pattern number
=                 - increase pattern number
Meta -            - decrease pattern by 16
Meta =            - increase pattern by 16
Shift -           - decrease pattern numbers in row
Shift =           - increase pattern numbers in row
Meta Shift -      - decrease patterns in row by 16
Meta Shift =      - increase patterns in row by 16

Pattern Editor

1                 - OFF note
`                 - NeXT row
~                 - END song

Music Note Inputs [2 Octaves]

Keys   z s  x d  c v g  b h  n j  m
Value  C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B

Keys   q 2  w 3  e r 5  t 6  y 7  u i 9
Value  C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C#